Monday, September 13, 2010

Late Start!

Hi Everyone!  My name is Emily and I am a newcomer to your class.  I am glad to be with you all and am looking forward to catching up on your blog posts and getting started on my own!


  1. Hello Emily!
    Are you in the Et2t program as well?

  2. No, I am not. Karen is my advisor in my Language Ed. Masters program and suggested her class.

    Is your profile picture taken outside the Forbidden City in Beijing?

  3. Emily welcome to the class.
    I read Steven Covey's "7 Habits...", but I don't think it took. Seriously, I would be interested in knowing more about your experience. I'm currently reading "The Element-How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything" by Ken Robinson, a Covey disciple. They share a mutual admiration.
    --I am excited that we have a practicing teacher in the class.
